Why Nursing

Choosing a right career is a dilemma for most of the students who have just completed their Schooling. Every parent intends to place his / her child into good courses that would offer a bright future. Choice of a career and placement is a challenging process because of lack of guidance and increasing competition. However, the youth must never compromise with their vision (dreams) and aspiration and enter into any occupation just because there was no other option.

Nursing recent times has emerged as a promising career choice (rather an option), for many a young boys and girls. This is evident from the rapid mushrooming of institutions offering nursing education. This art of nursing is forwarded to the new generation to develop that art and keep that flame of knowledge alive and glowing.

Nursing offer rewarding career opportunities both in service sector as well as private practice within India and abroad. Study of nursing and its practice involve hard work and excellence. At the same time it offers an opportunity to serve people and make good earning.

The job of a clinical nurse requires working in shift duties. In different setting, caring for multi -dimensional needs of people, handling emergencies, solving problems making decisions, teaching and counseling people in their homes, workplace, schools with high sense of duty at the cost of sacrificing ones comfort.

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